Sunday, 21 September 2014


I read it in the news;
During The Westgate Mall terrorist attack,
In Westlands,
 An Indian boy
Had accompanied an elderly kin
For shopping
When the terrorists attacked.
The news had it that,
The boy could have escaped out,
But wouldn’t do that;
Lest he could have left
The elderly kin alone;
Who could barely walk,
Not even run.
As a result,
The boy remained behind,
To face come what may,
With the elderly kin who could hardly escape.
As a result,
They were both executed.
It was the boy’s enduring love for her kin that made him hurtle to his fate.


Love is …
When a baby,
In its mother’s arms;
Experiencing  mother tender touch.
And baby,
Glancing at mother;
Melts into a bewitching smile.
A smile sending the bouncing baby,
Almost jumping out of its own skin.
A smile full of tender love,
Happiness, and
The Universe in the baby, and
In the mother.
And the mother;
Reciprocating  her baby’s smile,
In assurance of her unconditional love-
To the new-born.
What’s  love?!

Love is …
When a child,
Having wronged its mother;
Is punished by whipping.
The child cries and cries.
Then the offended turns back,
To console the offender;
By breast-feeding.
Thus the once offender is fed,
Watching at the mother,
Hopefully, and
With unwavering faith all will be well.
And with this assurance;
The baby is lulled,
To sleep.
Such is it now;
Love and care.

Love is …
Husband and wife;
While bitterly quarreling
In the house.
There arrive the guests-
Now the wife,
Suddenly wipes off her tears,
Forgets her sorrows,
And begins to dance in happiness and love.
At least,
A blessing has come!
And she heartily greets and welcomes them,
With a hearty smile on her once tearful face!

Or again,
Love is …
Husband and wife;
Having been quarrelling
The night before.
Disagreeing until they agree …
To disagree;
Are seen
Early the following day,
Nicely dressed and happy.
Going shopping;
More united and happier than ever!
Letting bygones be bygones.

Love is …
Happily giving and enjoying it;
Even without
Expecting gratitude from the receiver, or
Without even worrying about ingratitude from the receiver,
In return.

Love is …
An illiterate African Mother,
Escorting her baby girl,
To school every weekday.
 And waiting to take the girl back
Come evening;
Ended up,
Realizing the benefits of acquiring formal education.
As a result,
Enrolled herself
To beat illiteracy on that score.
While accompanying her daughter
To and from school.
Killing two birds with
The same silver bullet!

Love is …
An unconditional act,
Portrayed by the strict parent,
After punishing his disobeying kids;
Bought and brought home;
Gifts and goodies
For all the kids;
Not mentioning
A thing
About the previous punishment.
Or remembering a thing
Of the disobedience
In relation to the presents
He bought and brought
To his dear kids!

Saturday, 20 September 2014


There is a short story,
A short African story of love.
Brotherly love;
About two young brothers,
To show their true love;
Ended up sharing
A very small,
Wild fruit,
The size of a wild berry;
As a positive sign
Of their love and care for each other.
Bonded by
Love and
Thus an African saying goes,
‘Two brothers shared a small wild fruit!’
To show love.