What's love?!
Is a question.
What's love?!
Is an answer.
What's love?!
Is a wake up call from the valley.
What's love?!
Is a slogan from the top of the mountain.
What's love?!
Is a beginning.
What's love?!
Is an end.
What's love?!
Is morning sun,
Afternoon sun,
Evening sun,
Midnight sun!
What's love?!
Is a beginning of the end.
What's love?!
Is not the end itself.
What's love?!
Is a red traffic light;
Meaning STOP!
What's love?!
Is a flashing amber;
Meaning control yourself!
What's love?!
A green traffic light;
Meaning PROCEED when it's clear!
What's love?!
Jam yesterday,
Jam tomorrow, but
Never jam today!
What's love?!
Is a title.
What's love?!
Is a project.
What's love?!
Is a blog.
What's love?!
Is a "Pull Together!"- "Harambee!"
For all Humankind;
Young and Old,
Male and Female.
What's love?!
Is a reminder of the little details;
Of paramount significance.
If I could make myself;
I'd divide myself into parts!
The bigger part;
I'd give you!
And the smaller part;
I'd remain with,
All in the name of LOVE!
Today is the dawn of a new day!
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